Teaching Assistant

Jan-May 2024: MA524 Probability and Statistics, Instructor: Prof Syed Abbas.

Aug-Dec 2023: MA512 Linear Alegbra, Instructor: Prof Syed Abbas.

June-July 2023: NCM-IST Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (2023), Instructor: Prof Syed Abbas, Prof Malay Banerjee.

Feb-June 2023: IC252 Data Science 2, Instructor: Dr Sarita Azad.

Aug-Dec 2022: MA513 Ordinary Differential Equations, Instructor: Dr Syed Abbas.

Feb-June 2022: IC111 Linear Algebra, Instructor: Dr Syed Abbas.

Aug-Dec 2021: DS301 Mathematical Foundations of Data Science, Instructor: Dr Syed Abbas.

Feb-June 2021: IC111 Linear Algebra, Instructor: Dr Sarita Azad.